What MOTD Character are You? (Mob Of The Dead) This is a MOTD Quiz! See what MOTD character You are. I hope youre the character you want to be because this quiz is sufficient. ChopperTheDeer published on March 27, 2016 Stacked 1/7 What Gun Do You Buy First? Olympia M14 2/7 What is your favorite gun Blundergat Raygun Hells Retriver Acid Gat 3/7 What character are you on the quiz with the origins quiz Nikiolai Richtofen Dempsey Takeo 4/7 What Character do YOU like Finn Salamon Weasel Billy 5/7 What kind of guy are you Always aiming for the Easter Egg Surviving high rounds Messing around Getting PAP 6/7 What is your favorite color Blue Green Red Black 7/7 What door do you buy first? 1st Door 2nd door