Which Greek Goddess Are You? (girls only) Which Greek Goddess Are You most like. Please note, not godly parent. :) rrnnpp published on November 23, 2014 Stacked 1/5 A really hot guy asks you out. What do you say? Yes! Ooh, what shall I wear… A DATE! Stupid men As long as you don't cheat on me, okay. I've had bad experiences with guys, sorry, can't accept. I like you as a friend, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend. Go away! I'm thinking about important stuff right now. 2/5 Who do you want to get? Athena Artemis Hera Hestia Demeter Aphrodite 3/5 Out of these, which is your favourite animal? Donkey Owl Cow Deer Swan None 4/5 What is your personality? Modest and kind Pretty and fashionable Skilled and gifted Clever and sensible Sweet and lonely Perfect and jealous 5/5 Which Hogwarts House are you in? Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Slytherin None All