Who is your warrior cat? (1) This isca quiz to find out which warrior cat that you are.warriors is a book series by Erin hunter. Tawnycloud published on June 28, 2016 Stacked 1/7 You see a kit from another clan.... What do you do?? You kill it!! You see if it is sick or has any injuries You ask what clan it comes from and if it doesn't answer you take it back to your clan to the leader. You see if it has any other kits of clanmates around Make it talk! 2/7 There is a kittypet on your territory you..... Kill it Let it go Give it some scars it won't forget I don't know Ask it why it's here Tell it to go back to their clan 3/7 Are you a Tom She-cat 4/7 You have a mate from another clan you ..... See them every night but act like nothing of going on Ew a mate? Never!! I'm loyal to my clan! No way! Ummmm? I'm a medicine cat I already like someone from my clan I don't want a mate 5/7 What do you think about herbs? Ugh so nasty! I love them I'm a medicine cat what do you think? They're okay.... Ummm no... 6/7 What color pelt? Calico Ginger Tortoiseshell Gray Ginger tabby 7/7 Are you.... Swift Brave Ambitious Good with herbs Smart and sly