What elemental Power Would you have? This is a quiz about what kind of Elemental Power that you would have. I hope you Enjoy the quiz LostHero501987 published on December 19, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What is one word that your friends usually say about you Chillest Person Awesome Understanding Cool Salty Savage Unique 2/5 What Environment looks Interesting or Best Suits you Water Fall Wild Fire Forest Snowing Mountains Lightning/Thunder Tornado 3/5 What Weather do you perfer Raining Warm Dry but Not Warm/ Tropical Snowy Muddy Lightning with Thunder Windy 4/5 Which word listed describes you the most? Freedom Power F-Boy Chill Life Revenge Friendly 5/5 What is your Favorite Color? Blue Red/Orange Green Light Blue Black/Brown Purple-ish Blue Gold/Clear/White