Are you a Fangirl? (read description)

Are you a Fangirl? (read description)

I'm a fangirl, I've always been. Since the age of 8. But the real question is: Are you? Let's find out, shall we? The pictures of are the people I fangirl over (aka my celeb crushes and favourite characters)(you get a little insight into me!)

published on June 06, 2015

Are you on Tumblr?!

Are you on Tumblr?!
YES! IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! (me: ikR!!!? my sister's on tumblr! I just stalk hers.)
What's Tumblr?
Tumblr sux.

Do you have a crush on a celebrity?

Do you have a crush on a celebrity?
siiiiiiigh... (me: I take that as a yes.)
NUUUU I don't have oneeeeee

Do you have a crush on a fictional character?

Do you have a crush on a fictional character?
Yes, a little.
Ew, no. that's stupid.

(This can pass as an imagination test too) Lean back and imagine your crush (real or no) sitting/lying down/standing next to you.

(This can pass as an imagination test too) Lean back and imagine your crush (real or no) sitting/lying down/standing next to you.
okay..... OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! swooooon
Nah. (me: DO IT DAMMNIT)

Do you dream of your fave character at night? (be honest) (ignore thor.)

Do you dream of your fave character at night? (be honest) (ignore thor.)
OMG. Yesssssss how did you know? (me: I know everything.)
yes. but I never tell anyone.
NO! omg leave me alone!! (me: then why the f--- did you take this quiz, hobo?)

Do you have posters/bed sets/etc of your fandom?

Do you have posters/bed sets/etc of your fandom?
YES!! my room is covered with fandom stuff.
-sniff sniff- nu. I wish I did. my parents wont let me...
Ick, no. I'm not that obsessed.

RP time: For some mysterious reason, you get to meet your celeb crush in PERSON. You stare at him as he goes about his celebrity business, then, suddenly, he notices you!! And goes to say "hi" to you!!!! What is the first thing you do?

RP time: For some mysterious reason, you get to meet your celeb crush in PERSON. You stare at him as he goes about his celebrity business, then, suddenly, he notices you!! And goes to say "hi" to you!!!!  What is the first thing you do?
Jump up and down and silently scream. (me: me 2.)
Maintain your cool and smooth back your hair.
Hide behind your BFF/sibling and quiver.
Whip out your phone to take a picture.
Run away, cuz I don't have a celeb crush.

Do you wish you could ever meet your celeb in person?

Do you wish you could ever meet your celeb in person?
YES!!! I'm so jealous of the girls who do!!!! >:( (me: ikr? ME TOOO!!!)
Nu. celebs are gross. (me: ok. wut?)

do you like me?

do you like me?
Sure. but what does this have to do with da quiz? (me: nothing. moving on.)
Um, yeah. (me: that's nice. :P)
NO. I don't kno u (me: whatev.)