What cat will you be? A quiz that you will find out what warrior cat you will be please comment I would like it if you did enjoy.;D Ashclan580 published on July 15, 2014 Stacked 1/6 What's your color eyes? Blue Green Amber Purple 2/6 What clan would you be in? Shadeclan Cloudclan Ashclan Clawclan Flameclan Fireclan Iceclan 3/6 What do you do when a rouge cat comes to your hunting grounds to steal some food? Chase him out of you hunting grounds until he's out of your border. Leave him and go to the den and sleep like it did not happen KILL HIM!! Kill him!! bite him in the neck,leg,or belly :3 Join his clan. 4/6 Do you know the warrior cat books? Yes No 5/6 What would your pelt color be? Ginger flamed Light grayish blackish White with black stripes Black with white paws and tail Flakey white with black and ginger stripes 6/6 Oceanclans attacking! You and your friends are in front of the nursery to make sure no cat takes the kits what's your attack? Tail slash Bite Claw Sharp claw slash Sharp bite