What Is Your Cat's Personality? In this fun and exciting new personality quiz, you will discover what kind of personality matches your cat the best. goldengamer21 published on February 22, 2024 Stacked 1/10 What does your cat like to do for fun? Explore outside Nap Play with their toys Something else 2/10 How many cats do you have? Just 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 More than 5 3/10 What does your cat like to eat? Seafood Meat Canned cat food Something else 4/10 Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat? Indoor Outdoor Both Other 5/10 What breed of cat do you have? A black cat A tabby cat Other I have more than 1 cat and they are different breeds 6/10 What color is your cat? Black or gray Orange or white A mixture of colors Other 7/10 How would you describe your cat? Lazy Playful Curious Adventurous 8/10 Where does your cat like to nap? In your bed On the sofa Outside Somewhere else 9/10 When you're feeling sad, does your cat do anything to make you feel better? No, not at all They stare at me, wondering what's going on Yes, they cuddle with me I don't know, I've been around my cat when I'm sad 10/10 How does your cat communicate with you? Meows Hisses By rubbing against my leg They don't; they completely ignore me