Have you $wag or are you a noob? This quiz is to find out whether you, yes you, has enough $wag or not. This quiz will tell you if you do. andrewd published on March 25, 2015 Stacked 1/5 how many hours of call of duty do you play per day all day everyday i quickskope noobs 4-5 hours 2 hours less than an hour none i hate cod 2/5 whats your favourite flavour of Mountain Dew? All of them mountain dew is life origional orange yellow green i hate the best drink ever invented 3/5 whats your opinion yung lean arizona iced out boys hes good alright dislike him whos he? 4/5 favourite adult actress diamond jackson lisa ann mia khalifa none i dont like that stuff 5/5 Whats you k-d ratio? I quickscope noobs everyday positive even negative I hate that stuff