which character are you from shadows of evil? are you Jessica, Nero, Jackie V or Floyd find out which carecter fron shadows of evil you are batman16 published on January 09, 2016 Stacked 1/5 how do you perfer to kill a zombie? walk around it you can always get to him later throw a grenade at him, its cool to see the guts fly simply end him with a clean head shot kinfe him more points 2/5 which ritual do yo like to do. waterfront, hardest one to get the ritual done just get it over with Footlight, its so easy to complete all in one. the rift its intense and you like a good challenge Canals ideal training spot 3/5 which gun do you like the most hand gun nice to run with gun you don't need a gun when you have your fist SMG faster the bullets faster the kills Shotgun more fire power 4/5 what is the best perk jugg you need to take a few hits if your going to survive speed cola don't want to get stuck in a reload doubel tap root beer faster death for zombies staminup you need to get arond zombies and fast 5/5 favorite part of shadows of evil civil protector its nice to have someone else to fight with the swords. the greatest melee weapon out there the way you have to open pack a punch its cool to see magic stuff happen the marastigwa neat wonder weapon