what "dere" are you? Find out here in this online quiz. Settle in for this quiz to get the truth determined breeziek123 published on July 21, 2016 Stacked 1/6 well, what do you think you are? I dont know, thats why I took this quiz! BAKA! deredere? um, i'm not sure.. of all of the questions you could have asked! heh, idk >. o \_/ 2/6 you invite senpai to come to your house and when you were in the kitchen your little sibling starts to watch you! what do you do? ugh, well i'd probably "excuse myself to the restroom" (if you know what I mean) I have nothing to hide, it doesn't matter! I wouldn't know what to do, I'd be so flustered! My sibling? hmm.. they'll be difficult, but I'm sure I can scare them away! heh, we'll just have to have a little talk.. 3/6 hello! hm.. hello. Hi! um.. can we just start the quiz, please? hmph. 4/6 Which is the cutest? A baby horse! a bear cub! those are the cutest! a kitten! I think I like wolf pups. I like the way they play with eachother. Puppies!! their cute little teeth! 5/6 your crush has a ate tonight!!! And not with you!! Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Senpai!! Why?! I just realized i have an arts and crafts project to do, where are the box cutters? dang it! I really hoped it could've worked out, well I did warn him that I still have my katana. I.. uh.. don't care! BAKA! wh.. what? 6/6 your family relationship? fine.. I can always count on my family when I need help! My family always bosses me around. as long as my family doesn't get in me and senpai's way, we have a mutual relation ship. My family can be annoying some times, but I still love them!