Which Gaming Console Are You? Are you the sleek Xbox one or the powerful Playstation four or Maybe the wii u. melonhead253 published on March 25, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Your friend comes over to have a sleep over at your house you... Play Minecraft till 1:00am and only get angry at each other Play nazi zombies going for world records Get extremely competitive with multiple games and then end up asking him to leave because he beat you at your favorite game 2/5 Your favorite game is Halo Call of Duty Mario Cart 3/5 You are a... TryHard Elitist Nerd 4/5 You can buy one console you buy.. Xbox One Playstation four Wii u 5/5 You don't have anything to do on friday so you... Stay up all night ranking up your character stay up till about 9:00pm and play with your friends. You play with your family while getting a work out.