Are you human? (1) This quiz will tell you if you are human or not. Are you robot Ziegler? Or an Alien? Or are you a tmnt? Who knows. All I know is I’m a depressed turtle who loves potatoes but they hate me. Joselyn24K published on May 16, 2018 Stacked 1/10 What is your fav food? Pizza. I mean it’s obvious. Um... let me think. Whatever I want. Astronaut food What ever is on the table 2/10 What do you do in your free time. Take over the world Play video game WHat ever I feel like. Helping other people. 3/10 What’s I say you’re fav meme The I love bread oprah Just do it Do u now da wae Mark zuckerburg I am hu-man meme 4/10 What is the meaning of life There is none To take over the world To abduct things. To make sure life sim lived to its fullest. 5/10 If you had to choose which one. Potatoes for life Dabs for life Pizza for life Video games for life 6/10 If you could, who would you date. Kanye Beyoncé Potato Pizza 7/10 If you could be one what would u be Alien Potatoe Robot A extraterrestrial life force 8/10 Who do you have a crush on? Myself Scarlett Dan Jeff. JEEEFFFFFFF. 9/10 How much do you love yourself I don’t I am to insecure I love myself more dan u do It needs more terrestrial life forces. I actually like it it’s ok. 10/10 When are you happy I am depressed I have no emotions I ignore everything’s in the world I am happy when I feel like it. When my crush is looking or talking to me.