What does Asriel Think of you? Time to find out what Asriel from Undertale thinks about you! Lets get started! Also, excuse some of the spellings like 'Favourite' and other words, i'm English :). AsrielUTDreemurr published on August 16, 2017 Stacked 1/5 Question 2:Asriel: Who is your favourite character? Alphys!(Alphys: T-Thank you :) Undyne!!(Undyne: I am blatantly the correct choice.) The most genocidal undertale character!(Asriel: Uhhh....) Flowey(Asriel: ...) Asgore.(Asgore: Thank you, human.) 2/5 1st question:Asriel: What's your favourite soul? Red: Determination Yellow: Justice Black: Hate Green: Kindness Light Blue: Patience White: Love Orange: Bravery Glitchy Black: ???? Blue: Integrity Purple: Perseverance 3/5 Do you likeGolden flowers Yee Kinda Naww 4/5 Who is your favourite undertale child? Monster kid!(M.K: :D) Frisk(Frisk: -_-) Chara ?(Chara: *Feeling STABBY* Asriel(Asriel: :DDDDDDDDD) 5/5 Pick a word(Asriel: What kind of question is that..)(Me: *Dabs*)(Asriel: No i'm serious.) Fate m8 Quack Memes(Me: MEMES ARE THE BEST HI-5 BOI) NYAYHH StabStabStab