Are you a Dragon or a Phoenix? Hello everyone! If you wonder if you could be a Dragon or a Phoenix well then this is the quiz for you so I hope you will enjoy yourself while doing this mythical quiz. pennyroyalT published on June 24, 2015 Stacked 1/10 What do you think of Phoenixes? Well I don't know if I should answer that Phoenixes are so beautiful when their on fire There not as cool as dragons PURE HEART! 2/10 Which would you want to be a dragon or a phoenix? Dragon Phoenix Depends on the result FLAMING AWESOMENESS! 3/10 Would this be a dragon or no? Possibly a blood relative to the dragon so maybe Nope Cool a water dragon or sea serpent XDXDXD PURE RANDOMNESS! 4/10 Would this be a type of Phoenix or no? (picture below) Nope not really but its pretty Possibly it could be a distant blood relative to the phoenix but how should I know? Cool a Rainbow Phoenix TOTAL CONTROL! 5/10 What do you think of Dragons? They are so cool Phoenixes are better then dragons I'd say there about 50 50 BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS! 6/10 I know this is random but I just wanna make it interesting, so which emotion from "Inside Out" is better? Anger Joy Fear Disgust Sadness 7/10 If you look at this picture below you might notice that this phoenix might seem familiar to you. Do you know who she is? Uh is it Peewee because Spike once raised a phoenix Its Philomena! Celestia's pet phoenix *Walks away* WOOPTY DOO! 8/10 How well do you know about dragons or phoenixes? Dragons can breath fire well maybe not all but you know what I mean Phoenixes are a large bird that are covered with flames Why am I doing this again? IN IT TO WIN IT! 9/10 What result do you want? Dragon they are awesome! Phoenix they are so cool Surprise me ICE CREAM!!!! 10/10 Were you excited to take this quiz? Yes No Not exactly WAFFLES!