What color scheme should you paint your room in?

What color scheme should you paint your room in?

Do you want to repaint your room, but you just don't know what color? Well, if so, then this is the quiz for you!

published on April 11, 201622 responses 1
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What weather do you like best?

Sunny, all the way!
Light rain
Rainbows, duh!
I like it when it's pouring outside
A light breeze, maybe some sprinkling...
Not too hot, and not too cold!

Which job, out of these, sounds the most interesting to you?

Marine biologist
Fashion designer

What could you envision yourself wearing, out of these options?

A long gauzy skirt
A bright yellow tank top
A black sweatshirt
A rainbow leggings
Khaki pants
A pretty dress

Where would you like to live?

A beach house!
On a farm
In an off-the-grid Alaskan house
In an apartment
In a cool rainforest house
In a castle

Which purse, out of these, would you like to carry?

One with pink, purple, orange, and tan, with gauzy and silky tassels
A cute canvas bag, with yellow and pink stripes!
A black leather bag, with studs
A neon colored one, with lots of gems and sequins
An environmentally-friendly bag made of recycled plastic
A pink and purple ruffly bag

What accessory do you wear the most?

Colorful bracelets
A sterling silver necklace
A charm bracelet
A flower ring
A statement necklace
A heart ring

Now starting... Fill In The Blanks!!

"I can never leave the house without ______."

...an iPod and my earbuds.
...my cell phone.
...a sketchpad and colored pencils.
...my wallet.
...a book.
...lip gloss.

"Today, I went _______! It was the perfect Saturday!"

...to a museum!
...to the beach!
...to the library!
...to an amusement park!
...for a hike!

"I find it SO annoying when ________."

...there's nothing to do.
...it's raining outside.
...everyone is too loud.
...my friends aren't home.
...people litter and pollute.
...people are bullies.

"Someday, I want to _____!"

...go scuba diving!
...be a millionaire!
...become famous!
...travel the world!
...make a difference!
...save a life!