What is Your Feeling Right Now? Happy, sad, mad, bored, in love, etc. Just find out by taking this quiz! kitten_lover_7 published on June 06, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What's your favorite color? Red or pink. <3 All of them of course! :D I guess orange or green. WHO FREAKIN CARES ABOUT COLORS?! *sigh* what's the point? 2/6 How is your day going so far? It's okay I guess. I don't really got anything to do. AWESOME!!! Terrible. DON'T EVEN ASK!!! I can't stop thinking about this one person... <3 *sniff* I guess it's okay... :( 3/6 If you could have any pet, what would it be? A tiger: so I could tell it to rip _____ (person) to shreds! (me: chill....) Meh, I don't know. A kitten. Maybe it would make me happier. *sigh* I love _______ (person). Wait, what was the question again? A puppy! No, a bunny! No, a horse! Nah, probably... *goes on and on* 4/6 What do you want to do right now? I want ______ (person) to disappear and stay out of my life!!!!! Anything. I'm sooooo bored. I want to spend the whole day with ______ (person) I just want to crawl into bed and sulk. :( GO TO THE WATERPARK! OR PET A UNICORN! OR BE A MERMAID!!!! 5/6 What's the first word that pops into your head? Puppy! _____ (person) Loneliness...Regret...Failure... Revenge. >:) Blarb. 6/6 Pick an emoji: >:( <3 :*( :l :D