Which Instrument Are You? Are you a classic, reliable piano or a quirky, cool piccolo? You've come to the right place to find out... bananana published on June 16, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Which colors appeal to you most? White/ Black Gold/ bronze Ivory/ Silver Cream/ Crystal Coffee/ Red 2/7 Which animal do you like most? Cat Guinea Pig Monkey Dog Horse 3/7 Which minion are you most like? Stuart Kevin Purple Minion Dave Bob 4/7 If you were in a music studio and you could choose any instrument to play, what would it be? Piano Piccolo Saxophone Guitar Drums 5/7 Which country would you visit? China Belguim Italy Europe Spain 6/7 What music would you listen to? Country music Rock 'n' Roll Jazz music Unique music that most people haven't heard Classical music 7/7 Which ice cream topping appeals to you most? Gold leaf Liquorice Whipped cream Cookies and cream Cherry