what song from poper gander's 3am king crimson playlist are you? this quiz really has no purpose what so ever i am just really, really bored rn propaganda published on May 22, 2021 Stacked 1/8 what's your ideal career? distinguished super villain mysterious prophet broken soldier that holds a dark secret local shrooms dealer that sees ghosts heavy metal singer from an early 2000s band 2/8 pick a thing my friends have said on discord don't get horny on my fortnite server thembo (accusatory) sex is poggers i have a lot of good features but my dick is just great vegemite is salty 3/8 what hour do u have existential crisis at? 12am 1am 2am 3am 4am 4/8 how edgy is ur acc name? (be honest) it's edgy but it's still cool it seems edgy but that wasn't on purpose not edgy at all a lil edge pretty edgy ngl 5/8 what's your color palette? black and white red pink variants and light blue gray and dark purple bright reds and blues that hurt ur eyes 6/8 pick a thing off my phone 7/8 if you feel down a hole what would it sound like? weeeeeooooooo wowowowaoaoaaa nyyoommmm AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA laugh.sfx 8/8 what are your nightmares most like? my canoe keeps flipping over and i'm drowning i goofed up and did a serious crime there's a strange decaying man throwing rocks at me while i'm trying to read the bible the president said i had to change schools again some kid keeps shooting a shotgun next to me and it's very scary