What is your warrior cat name (she cats only)? Find out what your warrior cat name is and clan. Wish you luck. Please share this quiz Brianna44344 published on June 25, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What clan do you want to be in? (Star clan, thunder clan, extra) Definitely star clan!!!! You decide what to do River clan, you have a great talent of swimming Thunderclan Blood clan HAVE TO KILL 2/6 You are born what color is your fur? Light ginger or any light color and blue eyes Any dark colors you have to be dark muahhahahha Any color it doesn't really matter 3/6 RP: You see a friend, a kit, your mate, and the leader all hurt and are still getting attaches. Who do you save first? Try and save all of them Save none and leave them to die YOUR MATE AND KIT LEAVE THE LEADER TO DIE YOULL GET ANOTHER ONE ANYWAY You take your kit and leader your mate can protect himself 4/6 RP: You see a kit you see it's getting held by another clan you Leave it to die You help it survive and give it a good home 5/6 Your young and you see that another clan member enters your territory you You kill it Tell it to leave and have peace 6/6 You enter another's clan territory and they're at taking you. You Fight to the death Call for help You call your clan to defeat them and claim their teritorry You die at least you died accidentally