Which Kitchenware Are You? Discover your kitchenware alter ego by answering these 10 questions! Take this quiz to find out! rihanna80 published on August 28, 2024 Stacked 1/10 What is your cooking style? Experimental Efficient Traditional 2/10 What is your favorite color? Black Blue Red 3/10 What is your go-to kitchen gadget? Chef's Knife Whisk Instant Pot 4/10 What type of cuisine do you enjoy the most? Japanese One-Pot Meals Baking 5/10 What is your kitchen pet peeve? Dull Knives Cluttered Countertops Burnt Bottoms 6/10 What is your preferred cooking method? Whipping Chopping Pressure Cooking 7/10 What is your dream kitchen upgrade? Slow Cooker Japanese Knife Set Stand Mixer 8/10 What is your favorite kitchen smell? Warm Soup Aromas Garlic and Onions Sizzling Freshly Baked Bread 9/10 What is your cooking soundtrack? Rock and Roll Anthems Classical Music Upbeat Pop Hits 10/10 What is your signature dish? Decadent Chocolate Cake Hearty Beef Stew Perfectly Seared Steak