What type of demon are you? (BOYS ONLY) Girls can do this quiz as well, be warned though, there will be YAOI but no smut or anything... kageharu33 published on March 18, 2017 Stacked 1/7 CHOOSE: FATE fate fAtE 2/7 Name that sounds best/who your name should be as a demon? Yukio Yami Tao Akiyama Daten-Shi 3/7 Choose one Incubus Prankster Fallen Angel 4/7 Anyways See ya later fellow Otakus/Weeaboos Goodbye See you later~ *had stuck a sign on the creator's and quiztaker's backs saying 'kick me'* Hn *walks off* 5/7 um...Your hair and eye color? Dark brown hair/gold eyes Blonde hair/blue eyes Purple hair/diff color eyes 6/7 Sexuality? Ew...No....I'd rather hug/kiss someone than have sex with someone, but I suppourt all sexualities What's sexuality? Gay/homosexual 7/7 What do you love most in life out of these? Hud and/or kisses Soccer,anime,manga,pranks er...I don't really know