Warrior cat life quiz A warrior cats test will tell you who you are, what your rank is, your pelt, your mate, and your kits. Fisherlover123 published on January 09, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Is this quiz... It's ok... OMG it was soo great! Not bad.., SO bad! I liked it! 2/5 What would you like your name to end with? (IT might not end with it on the result) Claw Star Blaze Strike 3/5 Your fav clan is... Thunderclan Riverclan Shadowclan Windclan ?hate Windclan sry . 4/5 Your fav. Rank is... Leader! ! Med. cat Warrior Apprentice 5/5 A enemy clan does a sneak attack. When you see them what do you do? Jump into battle with the other warriors. Stay hidden in your den, you can't lose your last life! Get the herbs together Stay close to my mentor... THIS is MY first BATTLE!