Which Soda are you? The title says it all, which soda are you, whether it be pepsi, coca~cola, anything! story.writer published on July 12, 2015 Stacked 1/8 Which house would you want to live in? A classic house, like the old times Modern house Futuristic home 2/8 Do you like nicknames Yes I do. A lot of people use my nickname. I do, but not a lot of people say my nickname anymore. No, and I don't have one. 3/8 What do you do in your free time? Mix it up! Sit back, relax, and look outside. Attend a football game and try my best. 4/8 What place would you take in a group activity? Leader! I would've liked leader if the guy didn't already take leader. The supporter 5/8 Do you hold grudges? No, I do not. May I ask you why you must ask that question? Sometimes. Never. 6/8 If you were to go in time, where would you go? The past I would stay here. Future! 7/8 Do you like changing things up? No, I'll stick with original. I'm gonna not answer that. Yeah. 8/8 Final question, what is your favorite soda? Coco~Cola all the way. Pepsi! SPRRIITE!