Would You Rather? (12) Funniest and strangest quiz you will ever take, Just guess if you don't know. MerlynzWizard published on December 09, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Would you rather...Have hiccups for the rest of your life?Or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life? Sneeze Hiccups 2/5 Would you rather...Watch your parents have sex every day for a year? (I’m sorry)Or join in once to make it stop? (I’m sorry) Watch your parents have sex every day for a year? (I’m sorry) Or join in once to make it stop? (I’m sorry) Join in and tell them to keep on? (I'm sorry) 3/5 Would you rather....Make friends from strangers you have just met,make enemies who become friends,or be Friendless? Make friends from strangers you have just met, and then betray them for money. Make enemies who become friends. Be friendless 4/5 Would you rather... be naked for a week,or have on an Ugly Christmas sweater on for a week and be laughed at by everybody. Naked Christmas Sweater What the hell, I might as well go to a nude community! 5/5 Would you rather....be shot in the back,or shot somebody you hate in the back? Be shot in the back Shoot somebody in the back. What the Hell is this?