Which one of my OCs are you? (6)

A few questions to see which one of some of my characters are you the most alike.

published on November 22, 2017

What would your best quality/strenght be?

I have a way with words, convincing people into things they're reluctant about with ease and wrapping them
around my finger.
I charm people left and right easily with my flirting, getting what I want from them.
I support my friends no matter what, helping them make the right decisions.
I stay optimistic no matter how hard what I'm going through might be, never letting my spirit get broken.
I easily solve the most difficult of issues in many areas due my intelligence, not letting anything get in my way.
I come off as rather intimidating and unbothered, not letting other's opinions of myself get to me on a personal
I refuse to be put down and will continue to look for ways to defend myself against wrong accusations.
I don't let my fears get in the way of the things I desire, taking on challenges that may even seem impossible.
I am very selfless, wanting to learn and be able to help to those who mean the most to me as much as I can.
I know people and have many connections which help me get to what I'm searching for.
I'd do anything to help out as many people as I can, truly believing there's some good in everyone deep down.
I am ready to give my everything and all in a relationship, being a true romantic deep down.
I am a hard, dedicated worker, extremely committed to my job as I understand the huge importance behind it.

What do you spend your free time on?

Reading up on the paranormal.
Creating artwork of some kind.
Playing video games.
Researching topics you find interesting.
Conspiracy theories.
Physical activity (when you can be bothered)
Spending time with your S/O.
With your nose up a good book.
Being edgy.
taking care of your pets.
Sleeping, as much as physically possible.
Helping out with family business.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

You'd make yourself more endurant.
Nothing- you're awesome. (according to yourself)
You'd make yourself less shy/more assertive in social situations.
You'd make yourself care less about being liked by someone.
You'd make yourself not need to sleep, ever, so you could focus on your work more.
You'd make yourself better at explaining what you mean to others.
You'd make yourself unable to get hurt.
You'd make yourself able to change what happened in the past.
You'd change yourself appearance wise.
You'd make yourself born in a different family.
You'd make yourself less defenseless and more helpful to others.
You'd make yourself able to face your issues and work on them.
You'd make yourself able to get over the one you used to love.

What three words describe your personality?

Determined, studious, cunning.
Cheeky, chaotic, shameless.
Caring, shy, motherly/fatherly
Bubbly, spunky, restless.
Cold, calculated, distrusting.
Melodramatic, mindful, fussy.
Stubborn, apathetic, grouchy.
Reckless, loyal, caring.
Trusting, gentle, insecure.
Impulsive, quiet, confident.
Sympathetic, sensitive, sanguine.
Detached, quiet, collected.
Affectionate, flirty, devoted.

Pick an aesthetic.

Deep, dark woods, crystals, ancient, heavy books, intricate animal skulls, lockets.
Unfinished canvas paintings, medieval surgery equipment, tired fingers against an instrument's strings.
Bright spring sky, fuzzy blankets, red fall leaves, coffee and cake, light blue sweaters.
Bright yellow and purple, florescent lights of a dim arcade, sparkling embers and glitter.
Black, slim fit clothes, b&w minimalism, dark grey skies, syringes filled up with bright red.
Soft bedhead, lights of an UFO lighting up the sky, fogged up glasses, quiet footsteps through the grass.
Bruised knuckles, heavy jackets, a pistol still smoking from the gunfire, an empty bottle of alcohol.
Megalodon teeth, waves splashing against the shore at night, a tattoo down the back, the last rays of Sun
against the skin.
Light veins through pale skin, red and pink flowers, heavy lidded eyes, a subtle splash of crimson against the
Black pleather and motorcycles, dark lipstick around a discarded cigarette, sharp eyeliner and gramophones.
Soft, light pink fabric, white thigh highs, long eyelashes and golden hair, pouty lips, bubblegum and lollipops.
Tiny, bright lights in the dark, intricate patterns against the skin, marble castles and slumber, the Moon.
Dog teeth, cigarette smoke leaving the lips, light rain against the windows, withered roses.

What is your greatest fear?

Dying without leaving a trace on Earth behind you.
Facing your emotions.
Being abandoned and/or dolls/mannequins.
Having your achievements taken away and claimed by someone else.
Small spaces/claustrophobia.
Loosing your freedom.
Repeating your past mistakes.
Not being able to save the one you love.
Being poisoned.
Someone getting hurt because of you.
Failing to do your responsibilities.
Having your heart broken.

What would your worst quality/weakness be?

I am very sickly and physically weak.
I rarely consider other's emotions before doing something that may affect them.
I'm a bit shy and timid in social situations.
I am overly dependent on certain people, stressing out over pleasing them too easily.
I am paranoid and distrusting of other's motives, shutting myself off from most.
I am overly dramatic and easily hurt.
I am short tempered and uncaring about other's advices.
I often bite more than I can chew, getting myself in big trouble at times.
My self esteem is nearly nonexistent, not believing I deserve good things.
I can be a bad influence on others around me with my reckless behavior.
I am naive and too trusting of everyone.
I am very detached from my emotions to the point I rarely feel them anymore.
I put too much trust into certain people, letting them use me sometimes.