Thinking vs. Feeling

Thinking vs. Feeling

Discover if you rely on logical analysis or personal values when making decisions with this personality quiz.

published on September 26, 2023

When faced with a problem, I tend to...

When faced with a problem, I tend to...
Consider how it affects others and rely on intuition
Analyze the situation and prioritize logic

How do you typically make big life decisions?

Based on careful evaluation and pros/cons
Follow my heart and personal values

Do you prioritize facts and objective data over personal experiences?

Do you prioritize facts and objective data over personal experiences?
No, personal experiences hold more weight
Yes, facts are crucial in decision-making

When offering advice to others, you try to...

When offering advice to others, you try to...
Offer empathy, emotional support, and understanding
Provide logical reasoning and practical solutions

When facing a conflict, your initial response is to...

When facing a conflict, your initial response is to...
Consider the impact on relationships and seek harmony
Analyze the situation objectively and find a fair solution

Do you often rely on personal values to guide your decision-making process?

Do you often rely on personal values to guide your decision-making process?
Frequently, my values play a central role
Not usually, I prioritize objective analysis

Are you more likely to make decisions based on logic or emotions?

Are you more likely to make decisions based on logic or emotions?
Logic and rationality guide my choices
Emotions and personal values guide my choices

When solving problems, do you pay more attention to details or the big picture?

When solving problems, do you pay more attention to details or the big picture?
Details and specifics are crucial for accurate solutions
The big picture and overall impact are more important

Are you more comfortable expressing your thoughts or emotions?

Are you more comfortable expressing your thoughts or emotions?
Emotions and personal experiences are easier for me to express
Thoughts and ideas come more naturally to me

When receiving criticism, you tend to...

When receiving criticism, you tend to...
Consider how it makes you feel and its impact on relationships
Analyze the feedback objectively and consider it for improvement

Do you value rationality and logical consistency in arguments?

Do you value rationality and logical consistency in arguments?
Not necessarily, emotions and context are equally important
Yes, they are essential for effective communication