Are you stupid? (3) Have you ever looked into the mirror and thought, wow, I wonder just how stupid I appear to other people! No? Well here’s the quiz you never asked for! anonymous-user-hL6uNW published on December 31, 2017 Stacked 1/7 What is one plus one? Two Four Infinity It’s window. Yeah, it’s DEFINITELY window. DEFINITELY. One Fish Umm... This quiz is turning out to be very... stupid (yeah well what do you expect) 2/7 What do you do if there’s a serial killer in your house? KIIIIIIILLL YOURSEEEEELLLLFFFF Call the police Become a zombie! Call the police obviously, what else do you think? What is “serial”? Cereal killer hahahahahahhahah Panic a bit, wonder if it’s a joke, then call the police. 3/7 What sound does a cat make? Meow Ahhahwgwvsvsywuwibwvwbwbqb Hello, I’m a cat. Cats say that. If you don’t believe me, ask them. I can’t describe the sound in words. Meow is not an accurate description of the sound a cat makes. 4/7 What’s the answer to life the universe and everything? 42 6x9=42 I dunn no Whaaaaa? Seriously is this a philosophy quiz? Well, I would say it’s love... It’s love, OF COURSE ITS LOVE AHAHAHAHAHAHA 5/7 What do you say to drinking and driving? No. It’s very dangerous. Yes, go do it. Kill yourselves. Ummmm sure. Yes of course! What sort of question is this? 6/7 How do you feel about women’s suffrage? Women should not suffer! It’s a good thing. Voting is stupid YOU CANT TRICK ME INTO SAYING NO TO IT!!!! 7/7 Are you a fan of Twilight? No! Of course not! YAAAASSSS!!!! *pukes* Yes I TOTALLY like it. Not being sarcastic at all!