Are you fat quiz? (1) Yeah this quiz will help you know if your fat or skinny or normal sorry if the quiz sucks Nueeref published on July 11, 2021 Stacked 1/5 How tall are you? 4’8-5’0 5’1-5’4 5’5-5’8 5’9-6’1 2/5 What’s your weight 80-90 lbs 95-105 lbs 106-120 lbs More than 140 lbs I’m like 179 pounds… 3/5 Have you been called fat? NEVER EVER EVER THEY SAY IM SKINNY ASF AND SHOULD EAT MORE A few times maybe Yeah it hurt All the time 4/5 Do you have muffin top? Ya what the f is a muffin top No Verrrrrrrryyyyy small one Kinda YES *crys* 5/5 Sit down and lean forward how much fat rolls do u have 1-2 3-4 5-6 6-8 Too many