would i date you (17) hi hello this is my quiz what you gonna get who knows anyway take the quiz bitch jimmyguy125 published on February 16, 2021 Stacked 1/22 gender male female other 2/22 peeepeee poo pee poo peeee ew what gross lamo what? 3/22 best youtuber dream mrbeast pewdiepie james charels shane dawson jacksepticeye markiplier the damelio family penguinz0 other whats a youtuber 4/22 select favorite song genre out of the following metal country R&B lofi rap/hiphop rock 5/22 whats 9+10 19 21 6/22 vibe check what vibe do you match right now 7/22 yooooooooooooo yooooooooooooo why so many o's yo? what 8/22 do you workout/like to workout yes do you even lift bro no i'm a scronny wimp yes i need a workout partner though no 9/22 best game of all time doom eternal minecraft league of legends farcry 3 terraria the last of us part 2 avengers cyberpunk 2077 the witcher 3 skyrim lego star wars the complete saga other i don't play video games 10/22 ? JIMMYBABY!!!! ? 11/22 what do you think of space space is boring and dumb eh don't care space is cool spaccceeeeee indecisive 12/22 reject humanity return to monke ooohhh ahhhhh oooooh aaaaaaa hell no ok 13/22 age 15-16 17-18 19-20 14/22 pineapple on pizza yes no 15/22 favorite passtime read book watch shows/movies/videos play video games play board games go on a hike drink think of the inevability of death take dumb quizes about if people would date me or not sports 16/22 ? yes no 17/22 whats popin gamer i'm not a gamer i paused my game to take this quiz gaming 18/22 what distinguished genteman indeed he look dumb 19/22 godzilla or kong godzilla kong 20/22 political compass authoritarian left authoritarian right libertarian left libertarian right i gotta take another quiz to take this quiz bro 21/22 are you a grammar nazi yes no ha ha brain go brrrrrr 22/22 would you date me ?? no yes idk