What age will you get pregnant? OMG! U wanna know? Take the quiz to find out when u Will get pregnant. Enjoy! babylol504 published on October 17, 2014 Stacked 1/6 How old where u when u Lost your virginity? I never lost my virginity 12 13-15 18+ 15-17 I forgot but I did lose my virginity 2/6 Are u a virgin (absent had sex) or did you have sex but used protection ? I'm a virgin I had sex but no I dint u protection but I'm not pregnant Yes I had sex but I used protection 3/6 Do u want kids? No Yes Maybe 4/6 What grade where u in when u first had sex? 5+ I never had sex 6+ 10-12+ 5/6 Do u have a boyfriend? No Yes That's my business only 6/6 How many kids do dream of having? 10-9 None I'm not sure 13 1 3 2 7