Whats is your MHA quirk

Whats is your MHA quirk

I made this quiz because out of all the mha quirk quizzes I’ve taken all of them have quirks that the characters alredy have I want to give people some unique and original quirks I hop you can enjoy and appreciate the ideas of the intresting quirks I found none of them are made by me And I don’t own MHA also please comment what you got. enjoy!

published on January 06, 2019

Oops! your alarm clock didn’t go off your late for school!

Oops! your alarm clock didn’t go off your late for school!
“Ugh, I’m alredy late I’ll just have a sick day”
Sprint to school as fast as you can
Absolutely destroy your alarm clock before sprinting to school
Wait untuil your first class is over before going to your second becasue you were to
nervous to walk in and have everyone stare at you
Calmly walk to school “my teacher will understand”
Moonwalk into your classroom 2 hours late

You overhear a woman being mugged in an alley way. Do you...

You overhear a woman being mugged in an alley way. Do you...
Defend the woman and fight off the bad guys
Mind your business
Call the cops
Come up with a plan to outsmart and capture the bad guys yourself
Stand there and panic about what to do
Alert someone else about it and have them deal with it

When your friend asks “Hey can I cheat on your paper”

When your friend asks “Hey can I cheat on your paper”
“Absolutely not cheating is not right”
“I know just as much as you do”
Let them because you don’t want to let them down
“Uh no”
Agree and then snitch on them after

You’ve been kidnapped by a dangerous person what do you do

You’ve been kidnapped by a dangerous person what do you do
Beat the Jesus out of that weakling who kiddnaped you
Somehow silently escape your kiddnaper
It’s ok my friends are coming to save me
See what they want with you
Reason with the kidnapper to let you go

What do you think of all might

What do you think of all might
He’s alright
I could take him any day
Very cool

A villain is about to take one of your most valuable items but they’ve just hurt your friend very badly they need a doctor, do you stop the villain from taking your item or help your friend

A villain is about to take one of your most valuable items but they’ve just hurt your friend very badly they need a doctor, do you stop the villain from taking your item or help your friend
My item is to valuable
My friend of course!
Perhaps I can save both of them somehow
My friend is my most valuable item
I don’t care about either of them
I wouldn’t be in this situation

Lastly What kind of quirk do you want

One I can’t fight bad guys with
A flashy one
I don’t care
A fun one
A mysterious one