What Flower Are You? (8)

This is to tell you what kind of flower you are. I hope you like the quiz. :)

published on July 28, 2015

There's a new nerdy kid in school. What do you say/do?

Ugh, whateves! Nerd.
"Hello! I'm (name)!"
WHO CARES? They'll find their way around.

You're friend is being bullied. What do you do?

Tell the bully to stop.
"Excuse me, bully, can you not be mean to my friend?"
No one goes after my friends. Everyone's too scared to mess with me or my friends.
Ugh, whatever. My friend will figure something out.

What do you think of makeup?

Dark makeup!
I don't wear makeup.
I wear bright makeup!
Loads of makeup is the best!

What's your favorite animal?

Tigers- They eat people.
Puppy- They stay in my purse.
Bunny- So cute!!
All animals, I guess.

Someone steals the taco you just bought. What do you say/do?

Ugh, rude!
"Excuse me. That's mine."
Oh, well, they probably wanted it more.
They would never do that. Or else they would lose an eye. X-)

What do you do in your free time?

I don't know!
Helping out.

What's your favorite food?

Pink cupcake!
Anything made with love.
Anything, really.