Who are You in Overwatch? (1) this quiz will determine if you are Genji, Hanzo, Winston, Tracer, Symmetra, or Bastion from the game Overwatch MyLittleDerpy published on May 26, 2017 Stacked 1/5 Who is your favorite character in overwatch? Genji Hanzo Winston Tracer Bastion Symmetra 2/5 What would you like as your companion? A Bird A Computer A Blue Dragon A Green Dragon Your Speed None 3/5 What is your favorite color? Firey Orange Grayish-Brown Cyan Blue Green Light/Warm Orange 4/5 Choose a Second favorite character Genji Hanzo Winston Tracer Bastion Symmetra 5/5 Boi! (im sorry the quiz was short) Bye! Bye Bye for Now!