Knock Knock Jokes Personality Quiz Discover your sense of humor with this fun knock knock jokes personality quiz! delya90 published on August 13, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What's your favorite type of joke? Puns Silly jokes Story jokes One-liners 2/11 What's your reaction when someone tells a bad knock knock joke? Cringe Try to make it better Listen attentively Laugh politely 3/11 How often do you tell jokes in social situations? Occasionally When appropriate All the time Rarely 4/11 What's your go-to response when someone says 'Knock knock'? 'Who's there?' Excitedly respond Roll your eyes Silence 5/11 How important is humor in your life? Extremely important Not very important It depends on the situation Important, but not everything 6/11 What's your preferred way to deliver a joke? Dramatically Casually With enthusiasm Deadpan delivery 7/11 Which comedian do you enjoy the most? Jim Carrey Tina Fey Dave Chappelle Mitch Hedberg 8/11 What's your response when someone doesn't get your joke? Explain it patiently Repeat it slowly Laugh it off Try a different joke 9/11 How do you feel about cheesy jokes? Love them Can't stand them They're hit or miss Sometimes enjoy them 10/11 What's your favorite knock knock joke setup? Orange Cow says Boo Lettuce 11/11 Which punchline makes you laugh the most? Interrupting cow who? Lettuce in, it's cold out here! Orange you glad I didn't say banana? Cow says mooooo!