are you a dumbass? well don't take it too personally. answer with honesty or else it wouldn't be accurate. published on June 02, 2019 Stacked 1/7 could u lose ur passport? yes no if i'm not careful 2/7 do u cry because of someone else's opinion on u? of course nope 3/7 have u ever mistaken a stranger as ur friend (by appearance)? yea. i was embarrassed. stupid.never. 4/7 do u wanna socialise with an introvert? yup nope 5/7 what do ur friends think of u as? sweet, caring, positive mean, snobbish cool, outgoing 6/7 how many times have u tripped? thousand times 1-2? 10? nope. never. 7/7 do u think ur self as a dumbass? no yeah that's what my parents say that's what my friends say