Godly Parent Find out your true placement in the mythological world based on your aptitude, not "Who's your favorite god?" or "Which PJO character is your favorite?" No. This is more professional. teyopfief published on January 04, 2016 Stacked 1/15 You are best described as... creative a loner lazy open minded jack of all trades 2/15 Of the following, which would you see as a possible future job? Industrial Work Agricultural Work Anything that makes me money I already have school to worry about, please don't talk about working 3/15 What color best represents you? Gray- Cold and Distant Silver- Strong and Feminine White- Pure and Young Purple- Mysterious and Mystical Black and White- Everything is one or the other All- I'm a Colorful Person Gold- I'm Awesome Black- Just and Fair Blue- Calm and Peaceful Green- Lucky 4/15 Most important to you is... Family Country Yourself Friends The World 5/15 choose one... night dawn dusk day 6/15 choose a season... fall spring winter day 7/15 Choose a gift Magic Youth Immortality Strength 8/15 choose an element Water Earth Fire Air 9/15 What EC Activity Would You Prefer? Competitive Sports Anything Really Volunteering Creative Clubs 10/15 How do you feel about dating? I Love Dating NO! I fly solo If I could find someone I like I would date them Love is beautiful, I would only date someone I truly have feeling for 11/15 How do you feel about war Its good for the right reasons Its a necessary part of life People should only die by natural causes, war is bad It lowers the rate of overpopulation 12/15 What is most important in a relationship? Compatibility Looks True Loyalty Diverse Experiences and Differences 13/15 You are about to fight a man with a sword, objects scattered around the room, you first grab... Whatever looks deadliest Whatever seems most useful Whatever is furthest from the enemy Whatever's closest Whatever is most logical in terms of usefulness and distance 14/15 Which creature is most like you? Eagle- Strong and Majestic Horse- Unpredictable Pig- Intelligent and Productive Jaguar- Eccentric Rooster- Reliable Donkey- Hardworking Dove- Elegant Snake- Unreliable Owl- Smart and Helpful Boar- A little Reckless 15/15 (Don't Cheat) You are most comfortable with.. Welding Playing Poker Chores Hunting Applying Makeup