Will you be my friend? (2) So... i'd like too try and find out if i can make friends here that i can be nuts and awkward with. So I can fangirl irl and on internet. I give out cookies. Enjoy the damn quiz rebeccaarwen13 published on October 24, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Choose a country(Based on Hetalia, if you want) Germany Italy America England France Russia China Romania Japan Hungary Austria Prussia Belarus Canada 2/10 Thoughts about cosplaying? Pretending to be someone you're not The way of living 3/10 Cats or dogs CANT CHOOSE DOGSIES CATSIES i like them, but not their smell DIE ANIMALS THEYRE USELESS 4/10 You're friend is gonna be eaten by a titan, only you can save him/her, but it will cost you your life. You? save myself shiz Save him/her. It's the rightest thing to do The thing is I'm not brave enough... Depends. If I have grudge on him/her then no 5/10 Music? MY LOVE AND LIFE It's ok Um... Basically sh*t 6/10 What's your zodiac? Aquarius/Gemini/Libra Aries/Sagittarius Leo Capricorn/Pisces Cancer/Virgo Taurus/Scorpio I think theyre stupid 7/10 Do you think i'm stupid Yes, absolutely, as dumb as i am You're a damn genius You're smart... sorta... DUMBASS 8/10 how do you spell 'what' when you're texting wat wut what WHAT HUN? 9/10 Anime? HELL YEA Sure, why not Um... i'd rather other stuff Anime is for children. 10/10 Ummm... Fav colour? Blue, red, black PINK purple, gray yellow, orange, green