What Disc Color Are You?

What Disc Color Are You?

Based off of Tron Legacy...yeah. It is based on Disc Holders that you are.

published on September 14, 2018

You Awaken, You find yourself in front of certain specific animals, what would you choose?

You Awaken, You find yourself in front of certain specific animals, what would you choose?
A Yellow Swallow
A Purple Cat
A Red Bull
1nS3Rt C0D3
A Blue Swan
A grey Bat
A Green Rabbit

You Wake Up, You Turn On The Television, What do you want to see on The News?

You Wake Up, You Turn On The Television, What do you want to see on The News?
The Rainbow Screen
A Statistic News about how to create peace of the world.
The Rage Of The World, Such As War
The Mysteries of the world, showing how to find and maybe solve...
The power of The Grey Eclipse, and deaths of the world
The power of fun and energy in the world
The Peace Of The World......and how there is no conflict..

You Awaken In Your Room, what clothes would you choose for today?

You Awaken In Your Room, what clothes would you choose for today?
A Blue Sweatshirt or Dress....With A Item Of Blue in your hand, will be pure to be..
Punk-like clothing......Nothing wrong with that!
Yellow Jacket, and black pants, Like a Pikachu! XD
Grey Clothes, and a long dark jacket.....eh, what I got right?
A Purple Wizard or Witch like clothing...
Nope, Nothing...stay in bed
A Green Shirt and Shorts....Time To Run.
1Ns3Rt c0D3

You are chased by a monster in a maze, you encounter a room, there is a set of tools on a table to either to slay it or to protect yourself, what will you choose?

You are chased by a monster in a maze, you encounter a room, there is a set of tools on a table to either to slay it or to protect yourself, what will you choose?
I Bronze Sword
I Brown Guide of Spells
I Fire Sludge Hammer
N0tH1nG BuT tH1s
A Blue Sheild
A Grey Cloak
A Set Of Speed Boots
My Hands

You are to choose one weapon, what would it be?

You are to choose one weapon, what would it be?
A Disc
Book of Spells
A Sludge Hammer
1nS3Rt C0d3
A Blue Sword and Shield
A Crossbow
A axe

You Enter A Dungeon, There Are Elementals

You Enter A Dungeon, There Are Elementals
A 1nS3rT c0D3
The Golden Stone
The Purple Stone
The Red Stone
A Rock
A Blue Stone
A Green Stone
A Grey Stone