Are you LGBTQ+? Find out what your sex is!Or you may be homo...Hopefully not!I'm probally les, Demisexual, or Asexual!Well,I have to take my quiz once it's done...But anyway!I tried my best! KitKatKitt published on February 19, 2022 Stacked 1/7 What is your gender and romance attraction? Female,and I like girls Boy, and I like guys Non-binary,I'm not quite sure/Guys/Girls Female,boys obv,I mean who would like girls and be a girl Male,girls obv,I mean who would like boys and be a boy Female,I don't really feel romantic attraction/love Male,I like girls Female,I like boys Male,I don't really feel romantic attraction/love Female,I like both/all genders Male,I like both/all genders Female(But I used to be male),and it depends Male(But I used to be Female),and it depends Female,I don't really care of the gender Male,I don't really care of the gender 2/7 What is your flag? Gay flag Pan flag Asex flag Bi flag Trans flag Lesbian flag Non-Binary flag I don't really have a flag Ewwwww,I have no flag,plus LGBTQ+ is gross/Scary 3/7 Are you exited for your result? Yes I guess I'm a little scared No!It might end up being a LGBTQ+ result! Bring it on! I don't really care about the answer Idk I guess so(Even tho I know the answer,will be Trans) Let's go! 4/7 What is your opinion on LGBTQ+? Cool Idk,but nothing bad It's cool! Neat AMAZING!!! It's cool to learn more about myself! Terrible Very neat Cool,I guess 5/7 Your crush gender would be: Male(And your male) Male/female(And your the opposite gender and you dislike LGBTQ+) Both None/I don't feel too much love against him/them/her Female/male/non-Binary(And your gender changed over time) You like any The opposite gender of you(And you support LGBTQ+) Girl(And your a girl) Any(You have no official gender) 6/7 What would you say about love? A warm feeling inside,that makes you feel very good,and a little embarrassed Something that makes you cheerful and lovey I'm not sure.I'm not a love expert A cozy feeling,that makes you just want cuddle them A beautiful feeling,if you get what I mean Something that you only feel when seeing someone you like in your opposite gender 7/7 What do you hope to get? Lesbian Gay Straight :3 I don't really care too much Trans NONE!!!I HATE THEM ALL Non-Binary Pan Bi