What Tarantula Are You? Reveal your inner tarantula! Take this test to discover which tarantula you really are... cunningly hidden underneath your human exterior! Brought to you by: TARANTULA KEEPERS on Facebook. skawtland published on May 20, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Celine Dion starts singing on the radio... what do you do? Who the FECK is Celine Dion? Is she part of One Direction? Turn The feckin' radio UP! Consider urinating on an electric fence What is a radio? I like cheese. 2/10 What is / closest to your favourite colour? Red Green Blue Yellow Orange 3/10 Which make of vehicle do you drive? Ford Chevrolet Chrysler / Dodge / Jeep Honda Toyota Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini Jaguar Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi VW OTHER 4/10 Are you a member of the Tarantula Keepers group on Facebook? Yes of course! It is the largest tarantula group that exists in social media! No, never heard of it! I am not sure! (If this is the case, the website address is: www.tarantulas.tk) 5/10 Do you prefer Android, iPhone or Blackberry devices? Android iPhone Blackberry 6/10 Are you male or female ? Male Female 7/10 Answer this simple question: What is 2 + 2 ? Chair Ice Cream 4 Efff Youuu Seee Kayyy... That Spells MOON! 8/10 If you could poop on anything, what would it be? Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian's toothbrush Kim Kardashian's lip gloss Kim Kardashian's mother's toothbrush Upon the faces of every member of the band, One Direction. 9/10 Please choose your age 12 or under 12 - 16 16 - 18 18 - 21 21 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 65 65+ 10/10 What is your favourite thing to drink? Beer Water Milk Donkey Urine Other