QUIZ (5) do teh wuiz bitch its not that hard and its not a chuoice im forcing you camacamaja published on August 26, 2020 Stacked 1/10 feellings on WAP i love it wap wap wap wap wap only meagns par what is WHAP that is a gynecolical condition and my wife says that wap is not heathly i do not care 2/10 how many letters of LGBT are you All Of Them NO UI AM NOT AGY I AM NOT GAY THE SOCKS STAY ON t w o yes 3/10 politics? no i am racist yes AOC AOC AOC wjhyk 4/10 favorite anaimal cow strawerry cow beig allergci to dogs crab women shoudlnt be able to vote 5/10 starbucks order wants a cookie crumble frappuchino but orders a venti water our of nervous dunksin doneut iced amerixano cohcocolate croisant liberal tears 6/10 whos ur celebrity crush mike pence the girl that played buffy on andi mack milly booby brown joshua rush eddie 7/10 what is your favourite ice cream flavour mint chocoalote chip chocoalte ice crea,m transphpobia vanilla 8/10 who is ur faborite memeber holly Hall me maddie I DO NOT KNWO 9/10 what is y9ure greates fear clown beung alone dog man jxdens videos getting taken down GAY PEOPLE 10/10 what do u rat ethis quiz 10/10 idont know 2/10 shut up tell a shawty come here i wanna blow her back out walking funny for the year tell me that she wants me thats the shit I akways hear Ive got 3 bitches on me l...