What type of songs do you like? find out what type of songs you like to listen to. This is going to be interesting to say what you got in the comments! It might not be right but just go with it. K? SpaceUnicorn14 published on July 27, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Do you go to the nutcracker every year and DONT go to sleep?? Yeah!! Dude most people fall asleep!!! I think its pretty entertaining!!!! Eh.....? Yeah you could say that..... 2/5 Do you like Country Music? (lol this question really gets to the point XD) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS No, but I listen to similar stuff... 3/5 9283475spaceunicornlaksdjfhkasdfNYAN9847598234CAT890485928RULES9837409284lkasjehfkashdflkaehkqe 2734259843hi385092345poo2759823475HSDFASGDFKJAG um.....awwwwwkwaaaaaard.... 4/5 Do you like putting on Stressed out Tomsize remix 10 hours straight? Yup No. That's sound dumb. 5/5 Do you blast your ears out with Eddie Van Halen (idk if I spelled his name right X/ #EMBARRASING!!) YAY!! NAY!!(see what I did there? ;))