Do the Dark Forest cats like you?

Do the Dark Forest cats like you?

Do the Dark Forest cats like you? Will you be kicked out or will you earn a rightful place with the other evil cats?

published on October 29, 2016

Would you rather go too the dark forest or starclan wen you die?

Would you rather go too the dark forest or starclan wen you die?
dark forest! becos I'm evil!
I will never die!
I don't know.

is it more powerful to be in the dark forest? and do you want power?

Yes yes!
it is but I don't want power!?!
it's not. but I want power!
Oh no it isn't its ok I don't want power! so ha!

Pick a dark forest thing

Pick a dark forest thing
rule the clans!1!
must destroy starclan!1!

Hello my name is Brokenstar welcome too starclan you are now my enemy get ready too die

Hello my name is Brokenstar welcome too starclan you are now my enemy get ready too die
I will not go to starclan!
Oh no help!!!!

I hate you

I hate you
not nise
I hate you too
non of thies