Do the Dark Forest cats like you? Do the Dark Forest cats like you? Will you be kicked out or will you earn a rightful place with the other evil cats? katrynae published on October 29, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Would you rather go too the dark forest or starclan wen you die? dark forest! becos I'm evil! starclan! I will never die! I don't know. 2/5 is it more powerful to be in the dark forest? and do you want power? Yes yes! it is but I don't want power!?! it's not. but I want power! Oh no it isn't its ok I don't want power! so ha! 3/5 Pick a dark forest thing power!1! revenge1!1 rule the clans!1! `strength1!1 must destroy starclan!1! 4/5 Hello my name is Brokenstar welcome too starclan you are now my enemy get ready too die ??????????? I will not go to starclan! Oh no help!!!! 5/5 I hate you not nise I hate you too non of thies