Which storybook character are you? My name is bob and this is my quiz how vivid is this? i think this is at least a good desc bob12345 published on May 11, 2014 Stacked 1/10 What is your ideal night out? I dont like going out. Flying and dancing and fun fun fun! Ballroom and wine. Dancing on the table tops and having a wild night out! Anywhere, anytime. Adventure, wandering around the forest at night. 2/10 What is your favorite kind of book? Anything to do with fantasy! I dont read. Slaying pirates and running around in a dress. Oooh i love romance and love stories! Something interesting. Jewels! Books about jewels! 3/10 What do you think of colors? They're beautiful, they really lighten up the place! Theyre.. colors? I like blue. GREEN GREEN!!! I like any color as long as it has sparkles! Dark, romantic colors. I dont mind colour, i dont like it either. 4/10 What kind of job would you want? An artist! Anything with computers. I dont work! Staying at home and looking after children! A captain or a novelist.. A bartender! 5/10 What is your dream home? A castle! Anything thats liveable, i dont want anything fancy. A flying cloud! A pirate ship! A library, yes, a library. A beautiful palace with lots of roses and gold! 6/10 What kind of people do you hate? Oh, I don't hate anyone. Everyone.. except my true love. PIRATES. My parents! The rich. Strict people! 7/10 What kind of cars do you like? Something fancy! Cars? I dont drive.. A flying flying pirate pirate ship ship! Myself! I am a car. Something smart, something quick. A beautiful carrige! 8/10 What is your favorite flower? Roses, I love roses. Im not a flower person, theyre nice but.. i dont have a favorite. Pink ones! Blue ones! Flowers deserve to die. Beautiful expensive bouqets. 9/10 What are your friends like? They're wonderful. The only friend I have is my true love. Plain. Adventurous. Rich. Funny. 10/10 Did you enjoy this? Sure! I like pie pie is good pie is yum. Yeah! Most certainly! Its whatever. I dont have time for quizzes.