How Rare Are You in Animal Jam? I have over 45 rares. How rare are you? Take this cool quiz to find out! The.Uncanny.Valley published on March 07, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Do you trade a lot? How do i trade? Heck yeah! Sometimes I dont trade people... people trade me! 2/5 What is your rarest item? My spike,or headdress,or elf tail, or.... My necklace My rare bow. My beta elf helmet 3/5 How many rares do you have? None. A few. 10 to 50 Over 50 4/5 Are you a member? No. Yes. I wish I can't remember being a non member! 5/5 Someone wants to trust trade you. Do you go with it? I have been scammed before so no. Yes it sounds fun! I am the one wanting to trust trade. No