What is the perfect job for you ? Are you in a job you hate we'll take this quiz to find what job you should have next.maybe a artist Made1430mayday published on August 13, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What is your favourite colour All of them Blue or yellow Light green Dark green ,brown,lime green or purple Gold Red None of the above 2/5 Close your eyes what does your imagenasin see? Just black Me being a hero My winning a game A world of intresting never before seen animal A blend off amzeing colours None of the above 3/5 If you could be any place were would you be ? In a world of my imagination In a art stoudio At a sports event In the city at a donut shop Just in some relaxing place None of the above 4/5 What do you think about kids I like them but would not have them There cute There awesome really won't some of my own There cool maybe one day I might have some There pretty cool None of the above 5/5 What do you like to eat? A big bowl of mac and cheese A sandwich Donuts A nice Italian dish Curry None of the above