Are you in a healthy relationship? (1) Take this quiz to find out if you are in a relationship that is healthy:) clarissa13 published on October 02, 2014 Stacked 1/10 When a problem arises, can you talk to them about it? Almost always Sometimes Rarely 2/10 How often do you talk to each other about how the relationship is going? Quite often Rarely Never 3/10 Do you trust this person? Of course Sometimes Almost never 4/10 Do they allow you to make important decisions with them? Yes It depends No 5/10 How often do you two discuss issues within the relationship? Whenever one arises Sometimes. Never. They blame it one me and that's it 6/10 Are you comfortable being the real you in front of them? Of course. They love me for who I truly am! Yes and no. Sometimes I think they don't like the real me Not really. I can see that they always judge me. 7/10 Do they call you mean names or make you feel sad? Not really. But when they do, I know its a joke. I tease them back Sometimes, and its hard to know if their joking or not. Yes. It makes me very sad and uncomfortable. 8/10 Do you feel safe when they are around? Yes! It feels like I'm being protected by a guard Most times, but sometimes I feel they might crack and get angry Not really. Most times they make me feel like I'm not safe when I'm around them 9/10 Do you feel that you are both equal in the relationship? Of course! We both get an equal say in everything Sometimes Not really. They mostly make me feel lower than them 10/10 Do they make an effort to make you happy? Yes! Not to the point they are buying me things everyday but just things like calling me nice names, and complementing me Sometimes. Sometimes they try too hard though Very rarely. They mostly think about themselves