Which Orange Is The New Black Character Are You? Take this quiz, and discover your Lichfield alter ego...let's hope you aren't pornstache! Vauseman1996 published on May 12, 2014 Stacked 1/6 What is your weapon of choice? The power of the law Blackmail A crucifix Words A starve-out A wrench in your t*** Manipulation Insanity...and a little urine... Sarcasm, with just a hint of lesbian 2/6 How do you like the food? Who cares? The food's gross, but I don't want to be starved out... Is coconut supposed to be beige? You don't like the food? Tough shit I can't concentrate with all this lesbian activity... Chocolate and vanilla swirl... The bread of the Lord is all I need Where's my stash, punk?! I'm looking forward to the food in Bora Bora (Bora) 3/6 Sexiest actor on this list? Laura Prepon...obvs Jason Biggs is cute, but there's something about laura... Taylor Schilling...such a dandelion! Any of these bitchs tbh The lord My fiance The licthfield chicken any of the non-lesbian ones Laura Prepon and Yael Stone...together... 4/6 What is your greatest fear? Being alone Being discovered Losing your religion Someone breaking your f***ing heart Cheating on your fiance Being kicked out Lesbians...everywhere... Psyche Being the outsider 5/6 What does love mean to you? Inevitability A connection that never really goes away My fiance My wrench in your... Good food Sex Someone to save me from the lesbians Relgion Somebody to be your wife 6/6 How do you like to flirt? A cheeky smile, adjustment of the glasses...now come be my little spoon because I heart you lips parted, puppy-dog Tell you how much I like your titties, girls like that - and that is a tip! I don't flirt, I screw over I don't flirt...I have to stay loyal I can't flirt, there are too many lesbians! The Lord is my only love Wit, humour, sarcasm, and a talent for licking pussy My love is for my girls...nothing more