Could You Be A Redstone Engineer? Do you have what it takes to be one of the best redstone builders out there? Deneb published on November 30, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Whats the best redstone contraption you have ever made? Auto farm/mine Simple trap Pressure plate in front of your door 2/10 Do you mine for redstone solely (Just for that item) All the time! Sometimes Nope 3/10 Why do you build redstone contraptions? For ease of minecraft life/For a cool house To learn some more about minecraft To impress my friends 4/10 How far do you work on your challenging creations? I always work until they are completely functional I push myself a little bit I quit when it gets hard 5/10 What do you think when someone says: "Hey you wanna play minecraft after school?" Definitely, I can finish that contraption I'm working on! Definitely, I can try to make a new redstone build I saw someone make! Definitely, I can try to make something new! 6/10 How much time do you put into your redstone builds? 5+ hours 2+ hours less than an hour 7/10 How much time do you spend researching redstone? 1.5+ hours a day 45+ minutes a day less that 20 minutes a day 8/10 Do you want to be a redstone engineer? More than anything! I'd like to A little 9/10 Can you make a long drop trap? (If you don't know what that is, google it) That's like preschool! If I spent some time on it, yes maybe 10/10 Do you plan out your contraptions to make the building easier? All the time! A couple times Never really tried it