What Colour Are You? (11) I'm in a habit of remaking my old quizzes right now, and I think my previous colour quiz was pretty underwhelming. So I'm making a new one. Enjoy. anonymous-user-UrUZ8b published on August 08, 2016 Stacked 1/14 What is your worst quality? I'm arrogant I'm impulsive I'm disorganized I'm shy I'm moody 2/14 What is your best quality? I'm confident I'm friendly I'm optimistic I'm logical I'm laidback I'm creative 3/14 When making a major decision, you rely on... Logic Emotion 4/14 You are more... Introverted Extroverted 5/14 If you need to get something done, you do it... Right away At the last minute 6/14 Which do you value most? Happiness Intelligence Friendship Freedom 7/14 Your favourite quote is... "Fall seven times, stand up eight." "No friendship is an accident." "A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty." "Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question." "Forgive - not because the others deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace." "It is health that is true wealth, not gold or silver." 8/14 You love trying new things. True False 9/14 You are more thought-oriented than action-oriented. True False 10/14 You are imaginative. True False 11/14 You are laidback. True False 12/14 You find it easy to make friends. True False 13/14 You would never conform to other's expectations. True False 14/14 Justice is more important than peace. True False